Thing 18: social networking sites
I have had both a Myspace and Facebook account. Of the two, Facebook (or as some would say, "FB") is my preferred social networking site...but only because that's where my friends are. If they were on a different site, I would probably use that instead. I don't have many "friends," but it is because I'm somewhat of a FB snob. I use it to keep in touch with a handful of people.
I understand the positive and negative implications of using a social networking site, and while I can censor my own actions, I cannot do the same for others. This is important to remember...especially if you are the person with 800 "friends." In conservative or professional fields, as that of education, it is essential to be aware of elements such as these, as they can have an impact on employment.
There are many other websites educators can use to communicate with parents and students. I would explore other options before using Facebook for school purposes.
I created a Facebook badge that is on my blog page. You can view it from there, or you can click HERE.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thing 17
Topic: Discover delicious
I don't really know why this was so hard for me to complete! For weeks I've been looking at "Thing 17: not yet completed"...the title I used to save this spot in my list of blogs (so Things 1-23 could remain in chronological order). Each time I logged in, I would just stare at it, silently sigh, all with an Elvis lip and scrunched up nose. This 3 Step process seems to be the universal "Amanda"s disapproval-hesitation-procrastination/ugh-I-don't-want-to-do-this-ONE!" expression.
"Bookmark on Delicious" buttons are the new end punctuation mark for sentences, so it seems. In all actuality, I think the pop up window that displays all 5 trillion feeds/bookmarks/save-this/link/email/download/print options had given Mr. Period Question Mark the boot a long time ago. I just didn't know what those little buttons were all about.
So, what is Delicious all about anyways? The short version is that it is a way for you to remember (bookmark) and share your favorite webpages with others. Hence, the descriptor of social bookmarking.
Delicious would be great...if I didn't already have 5 other tools just like it. I use Stumble Upon, Zotero, some I have saved in a folder on my toolbar, some I have in an email folder, some are on my USB drive, some are stored in the North Pole. The point is...I have stuff bookmarked EVERYWHERE. To make matters more complicated, I have not perfected the art of categories are not sorted efficiently. Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing; it's overwhelming!
I did learn some new terms, and I have provided links to them.
Social bookmarking sites are like super-sized value meals or funnel cake: Once in a while isn't going to be too bad....every five minutes, though, is a little too excessive and bad for your health.
I don't really know why this was so hard for me to complete! For weeks I've been looking at "Thing 17: not yet completed"...the title I used to save this spot in my list of blogs (so Things 1-23 could remain in chronological order). Each time I logged in, I would just stare at it, silently sigh, all with an Elvis lip and scrunched up nose. This 3 Step process seems to be the universal "Amanda"s disapproval-hesitation-procrastination/ugh-I-don't-want-to-do-this-ONE!" expression.
"Bookmark on Delicious" buttons are the new end punctuation mark for sentences, so it seems. In all actuality, I think the pop up window that displays all 5 trillion feeds/bookmarks/save-this/link/email/download/print options had given Mr. Period Question Mark the boot a long time ago. I just didn't know what those little buttons were all about.
So, what is Delicious all about anyways? The short version is that it is a way for you to remember (bookmark) and share your favorite webpages with others. Hence, the descriptor of social bookmarking.
Delicious would be great...if I didn't already have 5 other tools just like it. I use Stumble Upon, Zotero, some I have saved in a folder on my toolbar, some I have in an email folder, some are on my USB drive, some are stored in the North Pole. The point is...I have stuff bookmarked EVERYWHERE. To make matters more complicated, I have not perfected the art of categories are not sorted efficiently. Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing; it's overwhelming!
I did learn some new terms, and I have provided links to them.
Social bookmarking sites are like super-sized value meals or funnel cake: Once in a while isn't going to be too bad....every five minutes, though, is a little too excessive and bad for your health.
10 Minute Mail
10 minute mail is AMAZING! For all those sites that you want to try but don't want to join...this website gives you a 10 minute email account. It's great for "confirming" emails.
Don't use this if you are going to need access to this email address later. It's only valid for 10 min (although it does give you the option for more time). So, what I did was use the address that they provided to create and conirm my account. THEN, I made sure I did all editing that I had to do. So, for my facebook page, I edited all of my profile info BEFORE I LOGGED OUT. This fulfilled my requirements; I can view (as a guest) but I can not make changes to the profile account.
Granted, this won't be useful for everything...but it definately helps.
Don't use this if you are going to need access to this email address later. It's only valid for 10 min (although it does give you the option for more time). So, what I did was use the address that they provided to create and conirm my account. THEN, I made sure I did all editing that I had to do. So, for my facebook page, I edited all of my profile info BEFORE I LOGGED OUT. This fulfilled my requirements; I can view (as a guest) but I can not make changes to the profile account.
Granted, this won't be useful for everything...but it definately helps.
Thing 16
Topic: Letter 1
Dear Zamzar,
I thought you would have called me before tonight. Seriously, how long does it take to send a quick little text, email, mail carrier on horseback, or message in a bottle? Apparently not as long as it takes you to find me. So many problems could have been avoided if I had your file converter...which WORKS, by the way...with EASE and beautiful SIMPLICITY.....but no! You had to hide from me and make me wonder where your were for MONTHS!
So, I'm letting you know that from this point forward...we are through! Don't try to make up in the morning. Don't send 5 dozen roses that create puncture wounds when you try to take them out of the 10 lbs of government-issued bulletproof cellophane wrap. Don't call me your's OVER! I'm downloading my OWN file converter.
Not yours truly,
P.S. You can keep your online Calendar, your online Post-its, your new iGoogle homepage, and all of your other stuff you left on the steps for me to trip over. It's cluttering up my computer screen and I prefer to write these things down anyways.
Topic: Letter 2
Dear Zamzar,
We both said some things we didn't mean. I actually really like roses, but not as much as I LOVE you. I tried the 13 Day Free Trial Download-able Converter...and it didn't compare to you! You're online. You're accessible from ANYWHERE. You're free and only take 4 steps. You're the love of my life. Let's give it another shot, shall we?
P.S. I meant what I said about the homepage stuff though.
Dear Zamzar,
I thought you would have called me before tonight. Seriously, how long does it take to send a quick little text, email, mail carrier on horseback, or message in a bottle? Apparently not as long as it takes you to find me. So many problems could have been avoided if I had your file converter...which WORKS, by the way...with EASE and beautiful SIMPLICITY.....but no! You had to hide from me and make me wonder where your were for MONTHS!
So, I'm letting you know that from this point forward...we are through! Don't try to make up in the morning. Don't send 5 dozen roses that create puncture wounds when you try to take them out of the 10 lbs of government-issued bulletproof cellophane wrap. Don't call me your's OVER! I'm downloading my OWN file converter.
Not yours truly,
P.S. You can keep your online Calendar, your online Post-its, your new iGoogle homepage, and all of your other stuff you left on the steps for me to trip over. It's cluttering up my computer screen and I prefer to write these things down anyways.
Topic: Letter 2
Dear Zamzar,
We both said some things we didn't mean. I actually really like roses, but not as much as I LOVE you. I tried the 13 Day Free Trial Download-able Converter...and it didn't compare to you! You're online. You're accessible from ANYWHERE. You're free and only take 4 steps. You're the love of my life. Let's give it another shot, shall we?
P.S. I meant what I said about the homepage stuff though.
Not a thing, but a lingering thought
Topic: Job-hunt/Where are the Art Standards listed?/ Where is the category for Art under teacher description and subject/Where is my voice??? <-- that last one was thrown in there to highlight my 2-week old sore throat and voice loss
I have been very discouraged lately. I find myself constantly having to validate my content area to others. That doesn't bother me so much as the fact that I am beginning to have to give myself mirror-based pep convince myself. Worry causes doubt; doubt causes fear; and fear causes you to panic about your Bentley-sized student loan debt...not to mention the whole hopes and dreams and aspirations thing. But you know...who really wants to do what they love anyways, right?
Newsflash: ME!
That being said, I am terrified that there will not be a place for me within a school simply because visual art is seen as a disposable subject. Not even a subject in the eyes of most. Something extra. Something non necessary. Something of lesser value than math, science, language arts, or history. I think study hall or bathroom breaks are seen as superior events than that of art class (and music, drama, or dance for that matter). It breaks my heart.
Rant complete. Now, a few words from our sponsors (not really, but I liked what they said).
"Institutions... assign us ranks and place considerable pressure on us to fulfill our defined roles. We need something to help us restore our lost or distorted humanity. Each of us has suppressed feelings that have built up, a voiceless cry in the depths of our souls, waiting for expression. Art, both in practice and appreciation, gives those feelings voice and form." --Daisaku Ikeda from The Way of Youth
"The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language... I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child." -- Claude Debussy
I have been very discouraged lately. I find myself constantly having to validate my content area to others. That doesn't bother me so much as the fact that I am beginning to have to give myself mirror-based pep convince myself. Worry causes doubt; doubt causes fear; and fear causes you to panic about your Bentley-sized student loan debt...not to mention the whole hopes and dreams and aspirations thing. But you know...who really wants to do what they love anyways, right?
Newsflash: ME!
That being said, I am terrified that there will not be a place for me within a school simply because visual art is seen as a disposable subject. Not even a subject in the eyes of most. Something extra. Something non necessary. Something of lesser value than math, science, language arts, or history. I think study hall or bathroom breaks are seen as superior events than that of art class (and music, drama, or dance for that matter). It breaks my heart.
Rant complete. Now, a few words from our sponsors (not really, but I liked what they said).
"Institutions... assign us ranks and place considerable pressure on us to fulfill our defined roles. We need something to help us restore our lost or distorted humanity. Each of us has suppressed feelings that have built up, a voiceless cry in the depths of our souls, waiting for expression. Art, both in practice and appreciation, gives those feelings voice and form." --Daisaku Ikeda from The Way of Youth
"The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language... I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child." -- Claude Debussy
Thing 15 (incomplete)
Topic: Wikis
To Do: copy/paste my best curriculum idea from 23 things posts into APSU 23 Things Sandbox Wiki.
Once I decide on what I want to post to the site, I will comment about what, why, and so forth.
Art Tutorials Wiki is one that I will actually reference for class assignments. There are great tutorials for various aspects of visual art instruction.
To Do: copy/paste my best curriculum idea from 23 things posts into APSU 23 Things Sandbox Wiki.
Once I decide on what I want to post to the site, I will comment about what, why, and so forth.
Art Tutorials Wiki is one that I will actually reference for class assignments. There are great tutorials for various aspects of visual art instruction.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Failure the MAX
I just realized that I am that person that balls hysterically when they fail at schoolwork. I was never the athletic kid, never the prom queen, never popular, never the best, never the worst. I was always average by default. Somehow, though, I always managed to do better than average. Granted, what took most classmates 30 minutes to do always took me 3 days...but I always completed it; always succeeded; and was always proud.
Today is not one of those days. Today, I defaulted back to average. Actually, it was below average. 33 minutes. My face has looked like Niagra Falls for 33..make that 34 mintues now. I had forgotten that I was that kid...and that a part of me still is that kid...the one that dwells on a B- for days...the one that gets sick at her stomach at the sight of a C...and the one that never lets herself forget the disappointment of a D.
Maybe if I would have called the repair guy sooner. Maybe if I would have emailed the files, double checked this, buckled down on that. Maybe if I could have made it to the missed class, I would have known how to do this, do that, and the other. Some of tonight was not my fault. I'm not upset about that. It's the part that genuinely was a lack of ...something...a lack of effort? time? ability? drive? Something. It's the part that I could have done better that makes me want to waller in self-loathing. (nope, not a typo...I said a pig in mud).
I guess there are just some things that we never matter how hard we pretend to.
Today is not one of those days. Today, I defaulted back to average. Actually, it was below average. 33 minutes. My face has looked like Niagra Falls for 33..make that 34 mintues now. I had forgotten that I was that kid...and that a part of me still is that kid...the one that dwells on a B- for days...the one that gets sick at her stomach at the sight of a C...and the one that never lets herself forget the disappointment of a D.
Maybe if I would have called the repair guy sooner. Maybe if I would have emailed the files, double checked this, buckled down on that. Maybe if I could have made it to the missed class, I would have known how to do this, do that, and the other. Some of tonight was not my fault. I'm not upset about that. It's the part that genuinely was a lack of ...something...a lack of effort? time? ability? drive? Something. It's the part that I could have done better that makes me want to waller in self-loathing. (nope, not a typo...I said a pig in mud).
I guess there are just some things that we never matter how hard we pretend to.
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