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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thing #4

Topic: commenting on blog posts, 5 in class, 2 non-classroom, not-so-short explanation of comments, and why comments were made.

23 Things- related comments:
  1. dsmithapsu Thing 6
  2. Desire to Teach Thing 4
  3. Tim's Thoughts Thing 6
  4. JerryTesch's 23 Things Thing 9
  5. Peggy Matagrano Thing 6
Other Comments:
  1. From 300lbs to Triathlete 02/06/10
  2. (to be completed later in semester)

2/4/10: I commented on dsmithapsu's Thing 6. In speaking about a search engine, a reviewer had commented that a particular website "owns me." Debbie elaborated by stating she didn't fully understand the comment or the enthusiasm behind the website.

I felt that it was important to respond to this post because it made me think about my own views about technology. I made the comment that " ____ owns me" could indicate a certain level of dependence. Although I did not post this in my comment, another way to restate it would be "I can not live without ____." I also mentioned that it is hard to find a balance between having something own you and having something assist you.

The fear of becoming completely dependent upon technology has very much hindered my utilization of it. I never want to be the person who freaks out because she lost her IPOD (I don't even own one of those) or the type of person who gets carpal tunnel in her wrist because she's always clicking away at the mouse. I think there's so much lost in an email that could be found in a hand-written note. I suppose I'm afraid complete dependence...not co-dependence.

On a slightly related note...I would still be using VHS tapes had my husband not forced me to convert to DVD's years ago and my children hadn't stuffed Cheeze-It's in the tape slot. Now that I have, I see the value in (at that time) new technology. I just don't want it to own me in a way that causes me to loose myself or be wasteful.

Also, if anyone knows a way to get crackers out of a DVD/VHS player, please let me know. They are still in there...creating a little 5 star restaurant for bugs. Not sanitary.

02/04/10 and 03/04/10 I commented on Desire to Teach Thing #4 because first of all, I enjoy any conversation that I can repeat words (i.e. I commented on his comment about me commenting on Debbie's comment). It's confusing and redundant, but I think that's why I find it amusing. I also responded to his comment about me going to school while having children. I found it very unexpected and much appreciated.

I also...ugh, I can't think right now...I'm currently repeating the example "comment" sentence in my head...that coupled with Tie Your Mother Down, Live version is causing me to loose focus.....where was I? Ha, how ironic...the next song on my Playlist is I'm Going Slightly Mad--skip it because I don't like it...ooh Hammer To Fall....good one...I digress...back to my comments (and hit "Pause").

02/04/10 I commented on Tim's Thoughts Thing #6 because I thought the site he was talking about was interesting. My family is full of golfers, and they are always engaged in friendly competition.

02/06/10 I commented on 300 lbs to Triathlete's blog post because I found Monica's current triathalon goal to be very inspiring. I also wanted to let her know that I would ask my parents (both personal trainers) if they had any advice for her journey, since she asked if anyone had any tips.

03/03/10 I commented on Jerry Tesch's 23 Things post #9 because I had a random idea that somewhat related to his post. I had read this blog entry earlier, but I did not comment until I had an art project idea that was related to musical notation. I thought it would be an interesting class topic, project, or wall decoration.

03/03/10 I responded to Peggy Matagrano's Thing 6 because I LOVED the site she chose to wright about, Lulu. I have a friend that has been talking about getting a book published for years, and this site seems like a good solution to her "publisher" problems. I am also interested in the site as well, be it either for writing or art purposes. Neat find.


  1. Well the good thing about technology is that it becomes very inexpensive over time. Throw that old player away and buy a new one...$40 at WallyWorld. LOL
    Seriously...Amanda you have been very busy in your commenting. Everyone I have commented on, you were already at 7am! You give me inspiration...this is hard for me and I have no kids.

  2. I'm a binge achiever. I'll go for days...procrastinate until the very last second...then cram everything in all at once. It's kind of like competitive eating...only with homework. Not for the weak of heart. :)
