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Monday, February 8, 2010

Thing 10

Topic: Really Scary Stuff...otherwise known as RSS feeds.

Originally I was very intimidated by RSS feeds. I really don't know why RSS feeds were not registering with my brain. For the most part, it's simple button clicking. I did find a few things that took the messiness out of the equation.

I found that Google Reader was the best option for myself. It was pretty much a "One stop shop" for a big chunk of my internet needs. I even made it my homepage so that I can immediately view updates. By subscribing to a RSS feed, you have all of your information on one page...instead of having to click through multiple bookmarks or web addresses.

This leaves a somewhat bitter taste in my mouth though. It's great to "bundle" everything so that it is not spread out, but are we that lazy that we can't click a button just a few inches away? Today, after having it soak in for a good 24 hours, I really just feel LAZY!

...sitting for a few minutes...pondering this idea of immediacy within our brings to mind the Alabama song, "I'm in a Hurry"...don't worry, I'm getting ready to set up the hyperlink so that you don't have to remember or Google the lyrics.

High speed access and glorious mullets aside, I suppose there is the "time management" benefit associated with RSS feeds. In the hustle and bustle of the "5.30 a.m. diaper changes, showers, getting dressed, coffee, breakfast, diaper changing again, attempt to start the car, where's my keys, why are you wearing that Kiddie toilet seat as a hat, where are my keys again, oops I forgot my purse" morning rush...I supposed a one click information option is handy.

So far the RSS feeds (some are blog subscriptions, others are just interesting sites) I have displayed on Google Reader are:
  1. Art-Milk
  2. Discovery News
  3. United State Southern Command: Partnership for the Americas
  4. Dangerously Irrelevant
  5. Foundmyself
I doubt that I will add anymore feeds. Subscribe to sites, blogs, email updates, yes I will do this regularly; however, I am going to need an organizer for my organizer soon.

RSS: a fine line between convenience and sloth & organization and clutter.


  1. I agree that I to feel I might "need an organizer for my organizer soon". Google Reader is a neat tool, but once you add a bunch of sites, then you have a lot going on and a lot to read. I like that you posted the song " I'm in a hurry" it is a great song and fit will into your post.

  2. Thanks Angela. I really appreciate your feedback. Actually...I love it. Getting messages/comments/emails/old fashioned mail/etc. is on my "favorite little things that I love" List. Also, I'm glad that you liked the's the tune I get stuck in my head every time I think about fast-paced things. :)

  3. Thanks for making me one of your feeds!

    I put my Google Reader feeds into folders (e.g., EdTech, Politics, Iowa, Higher Ed). That way I can just click on the folder name and see all related content all at once. This is the only way I can manage 525 feeds!

    Every once in a while I just click 'Mark all as read' and start over. I figure if it's really important it will come around again!

  4. "Immediacy within our culture...." I'd say we've brought the idea of immediacy into a dimension our forefathers (and mothers) could have never dreamed. Our grandparents' generation thought nothing of their primary source for news with graphics (i.e., any news not gleaned from the radio) being weeks- or months-old newsreels shown at their local movie theater. Contrast that to our generation Googling the results of "The Bachelor" before the rose ceremony because we can't stand the suspense. Yes, our generation is in a hurry and we've got to know everything NOW. I'm as guilty as anyone.

    Now, if you'll excuse me I need Google the results of the Olympic figure skating pairs competition. The suspense is killing me...

  5. I don't know if we're "supposed" to comment on our own blogs, but I'm doing it anyways.

    Amanda, you're a liar! Why? (see 1st sentence of last paragraph). Since the creation of this post, you have added FAR TOO MANY RSS FEEDS to your Google Reader. Your Hotmail account, Bookmarks tab, Stumble Upon Fave's, and Zotero page are also overflowing with subscriptions.

    Quit! You're making me anxious and overwhelmed.

  6. I decided to finally start on the second half of the 23 things list and started reading your blog I am always curious to see what other people have to say. I am not good at commenting much, but your comments and tangents made me laugh. I too am feeling overwhelmed with all the sites and apps we have signed up for and wonder how I will keep up with all of it. If we can't laugh at ourselves then we are in trouble so thanks for making me laugh in a good way.
